Having a Problem with Slivers from a Rollform Tap Operation?
One of the biggest reasons companies choose rollform tapping is to eliminate chips during the tapping operation. Some of the applications for rollform tapping include use in In-die tapping applications of stamped parts to keep chips out of the die or tapping of blind holes in machined parts which eliminates chips packing at the bottom of the hole.
Occasionally we will hear from customers about the formation of slivers during the rollform tapping operation. Although these slivers are not the volume of chips resulting from a cutting tap application, these slivers can cause a problem when you are expecting a chipless tapping operation. Generally, the cause of these slivers is the result of a hole size that is too tight. Keep in mind that a rollform tapped hole size should be larger than a cutting tap and in addition trying to achieve greater than a 75% thread with a rollform tap can cause this sliver issue. Please feel free to send us an e-mail to sales@hutchisontool.com if you would like us to send you a rollform hole size chart for metric and imperial size threads.